Prípadové štúdie

Göteborg Energi sees the bigger picture

Gothenburg is a port city with a strategic location between Oslo and Copenhagen. With a population of approximately 530,000 it is Sweden’s second largest city. As Western Sweden's leading energy company, Göteborgs Energi has been supplying the city with district heating since 1952. However, the company does not just supply residential and commercial buildings. By adding a car manufacturer plant and a ferry to the grid, energy utilization is optimized.

Tele2 Arena

Výkonná technológia pre moderné priestory.

Ocenená Tele2 Arena v hlavnom meste Švédska Štokholme dokáže byť dejiskom veľkých koncertov i všetkých druhov športových zápasov. Výkonné spájkované doskové tepelné výmenníky (BPHE) od spoločnosti SWEP umožňujú svižné a spoľahlivé pokladanie kvalitnej ľadovej vrstvy pre zimné športové podujatia.

Heat exchangers bring 34% higher capacity to new energy transfer station

More power and less maintenance combined with reliable operation. The new energy transfer station in Danish Glostrup have found a cost-effective solution with two of SWEP’s B649 brazed plate heat exchangers.

Dutch tap water

Due to safety reasons, during the past decades, the Dutch market has opted for double-wall tap water brazed plate heat exchangers in their district heating networks. 

Účinné vykurovanie národnej budovy v čínskom Pekingu

Národná budova, jedna z najväčších halových stavieb na svete, potrebovala spoľahlivé a účinné vykurovanie priestorov a ohrev teplej vody.

Container with cooling capacity

Cooling facilities in ambient temperatures of up to 50 °C are a well-known challenge in the industry.  SWEP's containerized, Energy Transfer Stations for district cooling provide the solution.